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News of 2013-02-26
Italian regulations on heat recovery
The installation of heat recovery systems inside the process plants enables efficient energy saving both in the summer months and in the winter months: the sustained investment, also in the light of the ever increasing cost of energy supplies, is able to To repay quickly.

However, there are some cases where our legislation stipulates that the provision of heat recovery is not a technical-economic choice but a precise legal obligation.

DPR 412/93 "Regulations implementing Law 10/1991" provides for the installation of heat recovery systems for the installation of heat recovery systems, both for new and new thermal installations Subjected to restructuring.

The legislation provides that for some controlled mechanical ventilation systems, the use of heat recovery equipment should be prescribed if they have certain constructive features in terms of total air flow rate and number of operating hours per year (parameters Change according to grades / day recorded in municipalities).

Coster Sas manufactures various types of "Heat Recuperators", which enable industrial plant designers and plant managers to manufacture process air treatment plants that are professionally in compliance with current regulations.

COSTER SAS - Construction of high performance heat recovery
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News of 2013-02-26
Italian regulations on heat recovery
The installation of heat recovery systems inside the process plants enables efficient energy saving both in the summer months and in the winter months: the sustained investment, also in the light of the ever increasing cost of energy supplies, is able to To repay quickly.

However, there are some cases where our legislation stipulates that the provision of heat recovery is not a technical-economic choice but a precise legal obligation.

DPR 412/93 "Regulations implementing Law 10/1991" provides for the installation of heat recovery systems for the installation of heat recovery systems, both for new and new thermal installations Subjected to restructuring.

The legislation provides that for some controlled mechanical ventilation systems, the use of heat recovery equipment should be prescribed if they have certain constructive features in terms of total air flow rate and number of operating hours per year (parameters Change according to grades / day recorded in municipalities).

Coster Sas manufactures various types of "Heat Recuperators", which enable industrial plant designers and plant managers to manufacture process air treatment plants that are professionally in compliance with current regulations.

COSTER SAS - Construction of high performance heat recovery